We are:

We are:

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Update #1


We’re back with an update about the progress on our game, team and other related events! But before everything else I want to point out that if you still do not have any idea who we are, there’s a special page dedicated to that, go check that first.

Let’s start with all the fun stuff. Our team went paint-balling with another team and that was worth every bruise. And last week we played Dungeons & Dragons for a few hours. And between those events we had quite a few gatherings, they were mostly serious but we also laugh with and at each other. Not only do we forget things like our PSUs from the meeting room but also some funny typos and funny slips of the tongue.

We consider the name of our team, Confused Plumber Productions, a funny topic since the way we made it up is actually quite silly. We just went to a game studio name generator and kept refreshing until we found something that caught our attention. The full name itself wasn’t that interesting, but the adjective was: confused. And since we’re recreating a Mario game we used plumbers. (If you didn’t know Mario’s a plumber: shame on you. What are you doing here?)
Add to that ‘productions’ (we could have chosen ‘studios’ or ‘software’ or something like that, but we liked the abbreviation: CPP).

Now back to the serious stuff, because that’s probably the main reason you’re reading this. We worked already quite hard in the past two weeks between all the laughs. In a little over a week we have a deadline of a midterm report and a presentation of our progress to the other students, so we have to have something ready to show them.

At the time of writing this our main programmers, Joep and Thomas, are almost done with the basic engine to run the game, after that we can finally start writing the game itself (read: the levels, the characters and their behavior and the special objects like power-ups). From the start of the project Max has been working on the models and the first blocks are almost ready to be added to the game. Though we realized that the work it’ll cost to make all the 3D-models is much more than we first thought it would be. So after Christina, Giannina and me, Deborah, were done with general stuff documenting related and simple artwork for logos we decided to start with 3D-models too.

The logo of the game will be:


The class structure in the engine looks like this:

classes diagram.png

We hope this somewhat makes sense to you, but if it doesn’t here’s a brief explanation of it:
There are four static classes that check for collisions between 3D objects (Collision), control the settings of the game (SettingsManager), the graphical user interface: GUI and the class that deals with the players’ input (which is in our cases keyboard keys): InputHelper.
Then there’s the class: Main, which contains the classes that initializes the camera and the different game objects. GameObject not only contains some other classes for different kinds of game objects but is also a superclass of all the different kinds of game objects.
In our code we like to add references to our other hobbies and such. One of those is the method that is going to delete objects from the levels like the coins Mario picked up on his way, it’s called Exterminate. (You better understood that reference. To what the Daleks say in Doctor Who.)


One of the first discussions we had relating to the structure of the game was: Should we or should we not use libraries from other developers? And we decided against this. Other discussions touched topics like: What program are we going to use to make our 3D-models? Who is going to make which models? What levels are we going to implement first? And the Must have/Should have/Could have/Would have. Max likes to work with 3DStudio for the models, but the rest will be working with Blender. At the time of writing we’re still not sure who is going to make which models. The levels is a discussion we postponed until a moment we are actually going to write the code for this and we’re not there yet. And the MoSCoW is a list that’s currently almost a whole page long. The most important information can be summarized as this: it Must have the basic elements that made the Mario a big success and it Would have a level editor but we already found out that this would cost us too much time we don’t necessarily have. Maybe in a later update we can tell you that other things made it to another part of the list higher up to make our game even more awesome than we already hope it will be.

Until the next update!

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